
Building a Recommendation System Including User Specific Recommendation, Similar Items, and Cold Start

📆 Feb 2022 - Feb 2023

My bachelor thesis which includes the completed system running in Kubernetes and an elaborate paper describing the concepts and architecture of the system. Also, the code was made into a Python library called KabirRec which could be used to easily build a recommendation system from the ground up. Notably, the project was later used as a service in a much more extensive AI-as-a-service framework. GitHub PyPi

A Survey on Smart Power Grid

📆 Jul 2021 - Sep 2021

I had the chance to do an internship at Qom Province Electricity Distribution Company, Iran, for around three months. As a result, I wrote a paper that presents a survey on understanding the smart power grid and its various key components.

Machine Learning Applications for Data Caching in Wireless Network

📆 Feb 2021 - Jun 2021

As part of the Research and Technical Presentation course, I wrote a paper on machine learning techniques for caching data at edge network to reduce latency and energy consumption. Additionally, a corresponding presentation was prepared and given.