Hello, I'm Seyed Mohammad Hejazi Hoseini

Computer Engineer Graduate From Amirkabir University of Technology. You Can Download My CV From Here.

Selected Projects


My bachelor thesis which includes the completed system running in Kubernetes and an elaborate paper describing the concepts and architecture of the system. Also, the code was made into a Python library called KabirRec which could be used to easily build a recommendation system from the ground up. Notably, the project was later used as a service in a much more extensive AI-as-a-service framework.

Data Mining on Twitter Data Set

By using Apache Hadoop Distributed File System and MapReduce method, a large Twitter data set was processed across clusters of computers to count the number of tweets that contain #Trump or #Biden and the percentages of these tweets in each country.

URL Shortener

An API server running on Kubernetes that shortens URLs and stores them in MongoDB database. There can be multiple servers running at the same time while being load balanced and able to scale on demand.

Snail Jumper

Using neuroevolution algorithm to optimize the weights and biases of an ANN, acting as an agent that controls the movements of the character in the game. Multiple selection algorithms, operators, and fitness functions were implemented.

Multilayer Perceptron and Convolutional Neural Networks

Implementing MLP with stochastic gradient descent from scratch, to classify objects in CIFAR-10 data set. Additionally, to compare the results, a CNN using the TensorFlow library was programmed.

AI Agents in Pac-Man

Three different projects were done on the Pac-Man game. First, implementation of search algorithms like BFS, DFS, UCS, and A* along with various heuristics. Second, adhesive algorithms like Minimax and Expectiminimax. Third, Value Iteration and Q-Learning.

Fuzzy Expert System for Heart Disease Diagnosis

Building a fuzzy control system including fuzzification, inference, and defuzzification stages. Several inputs like age, blood sugar, and cholesterol level are taken in, and then the patient is diagnosed based on a set of rules.

Online Book Store

Working as a member in a group of four people for about 4 months, designing and building an online book store. We went through every single stage of the scrum process which is an agile project management methodology.

Postman Clone

Building an HTTP client app with many features including specifying request method, headers, and body. Response request shows status, headers, and body which can be saved. Also, you can preview response images.

Parallelized Gennan Library With OpenMP

Gennan is a library for training and using feedforward artificial neural networks (ANN) in C, and it runs linearly. I used the OpenMP interface to Parallelize the library with multithreading techniques.